parkplace's Diaryland Diary


'Tis The Season To Be Hollie

This is my first official entry in my diary. So I guess you wan't to know a little about me...

I chose Park Place as a name because my real name is Parker. And if you recall, Park Place is the second best piece of land you could own in the famous board game Monopoly. Ironically, since i'm Park Place, and it's the second best piece of land, Ben, my best friend (read about him in my profile if you want to learn more about this MoFo) would be Boardwalk, the BEST PIECE OF LAND YOU COULD OWN IN MONOPOLY. Since, after painstakingly realizing that whatever I do, have, will have, think, write, or look, will ALWAYS be less then Ben, I have created the B.T.P. Law. The B.T.P Law (Better Then Parker) is stated simply as an inequality:

P < B when P=Parker and B=Ben

If you still don't understand this concept, either you are "special", or you are just truly stupid. You could be both. And quite frankly I don't care. At all. Whatsoever. No...really I dont. I'm sorry...maybe it's just me.

Anyhoo. Back to my social life. Oh no wait...I have no social life. No just kidding. But my social life is, apparently, not very stimulating. I have my best budds. I also have my girlfriend Hollie, which makes me very very happy just thinking about her. It also makes me- well, I dont think your virgin eyes sould see what I was going to write.

No but seriosly, I Love Hollie. December ninth is our one month anniversary. Sadly, the last time I saw her was when I asked her out...on November ninth. I didn't really know her, and I still kind of don't. But all I know is that I have never felt the same way about a girl as I do with Hollie. And yesterday was the day when I really realized that I love her. Look at this convo Hollie and I had online yesterday:

Hollie: hey


Hollie: do you

Parker: I wanted to see you and hook up and everything but I WAS WAY TO COOLD TO GET TO CHUCKS

Hollie: where are you?

Parker: AT benjamin

Hollie: 's house, i presume?

Parker: yeh

Hollie: super

Parker: whats your number i dont have it in hand- i have it stored in my telephone

Parker: what is it?

Hollie: my moms talking to my grandma rite now

Parker: fine brb im m getting a drink

Hollie: k sorry?

Parker: Seriosly you dont have to say sorry

Parker: you know i love you

Hollie: do i?

Parker: yeah you do

Parker: im not trying to be mean at all

Hollie: i dont want you to say that unless you really mean it

Parker: okay then

Parker: i love you

Hollie: how do you know

Hollie: i wont like hold anything against you... i just want you to be completely honest with yourself, and me, when you say that

Parker: i know holly


Hollie: good

Hollie: dont say something you will regret later, something you dont really mean

Parker: well i have alot of feeling for you

Parker: yeah

Hollie: good

Parker: holly

Hollie: yes?

Parker: i really want to be commiterd into this

Hollie: good

Parker: i really want to be committed into this*

Hollie: me 2

Hollie: yah i got it lol

Parker: i realy like you

Parker: like REALLY

Hollie: if you really do, it'll b the first time anyone has

Parker: good

Hollie: p.s. im listening to ska, please forgive me

Parker: lol

Hollie: am i forgiven?

Parker: ok hollie listen

Parker: yep

Parker: listen

Parker: this is gunna sound corny

Parker: so be prepared

Hollie: k lol

Hollie: i think im ready

Hollie: yup... still ready... whenever you are

Parker: I dont know why but I feel somthing i have never felt ever when i think about you. I have never felt it with ANYONE i liked. not even JANE and I obbssed about her. With you, I just have this feeling. This just reasurence, this emotion that I feel towards you. I dunno, but I REALLY WANT TO KNOW YOU BETTER

Hollie: likewise

XParkPlaceX: r u serious

xK1sSxMExDeAdLYx: yes

Hollie: excpet i never obsessed about JANE

Hollie: sorry

Parker: because I really dont want to give to much of my life to somone who dosen't want to sacrifice the same

Parker: lmao

Hollie: now you are laughing at me

XParkPlaceX: no im not at all

Hollie: k good

Parker: im laughing at the jane thing

Parker: i told it to ben and he pissed himslef

Hollie: gooood

Hollie: good

Parker: no but listen

Hollie: i hope he did

Hollie: im all ears

Hollie: (eyes)

Parker: i want this to be good

Hollie: me 2

Parker: I dont regret it

Hollie: but i hafta run cuz

my mom is yelling

Parker: oh.....okay

Parker: call me

Hollie: shes going to pull out the whip soon

Parker: PLEASE



Hollie: id stay if i could but shes going to start floggin me

Hollie: i really cant talk u have no idea how much i wanna, really

Parker: HURRY

Parker: NO

Hollie: but shes making me go 2 bed

Parker: HOLLY

Parker: NO

Hollie: (nazi bitch whore)

Parker: LOL

Parker: im wicked sad now

Parker: nj

Hollie: ill talk to you as soon as possible

Hollie: I LOVE YOU

Hollie signed off at 10:40:53 PM.

Now, i don't understand why you'd still be reading this unless you honestly think my life is interesting, im which I histarictly laugh at the thought. Well, if you are, I just want to note that Hollie said to not say I love you if you don't mean it. Then The last thing Hollie said was I Love it was more like I LOVE YOU.

That makes me feal good inside.

1:01 p.m. - 11-30-02


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