parkplace's Diaryland Diary


I Really Pulled Off This One...

Was Just Signing In The Shower: Konstantine by Somthing Corporate

Well, this is a very wierd morning for me. I woke up, knowing first thing in my head that I had track practice at 10:00, or in two hours, since I woke up at 8:00 A.M. SO I thought that I sould fake sleep until around 11:30, or until track practice is over. But then I thought I would be punished for that by my father because he would thnk that I would be irresponsible, in wich I am...a little. Also, who the fuck would want to stay in their bed, doing nothing for three and a half hours? I certainly don't. So I decided to go and get it over with.

Eventually 9:30 came upon me and I was eating Froot Loops. My dad left a short while after and so I then started looking for my dads track shoes because I left mine in my wonderful 2" high school locker that can fit about two grains of rice. Well, 9:50 came along and I couldn't find thoes fucking shoes. So, I got distracted by these photo albums of my family for about 10 minutes, which reminded me to take my fucking a.d.d. medication so I don't get disracted by a chipped piece of paint or somthing retarded like that. I took my fucking little orange capsule and started looking some more, all the while knowing that it take just about ten minutes to get to that track field. Then it was 10:17.

All hope was lost. I didn't find my dads track shoes and I was already late. And while looking for these fucking shoes, I have my step-mother in the house and my step-brother in the house. So the whole time I am trying to avoid them so they don't see me. And btw, my house has just about 4 floors, counting the basement cause we use that alot. So it's not that hard to not be spotted in my house. Anyway, I then decided to not go to track practice, praying to god that Hannah, my step-mother, needed to go somwhere and leave the house. So five minutes into staying up in my room I heard Hannah's voice. Guess what it said everyone!!! PARKER? HELLO! PARKER!? I froze in my room, two inches from my door, on my knees praying to GOD THAT SHE WON'T COME IN MY ROOM AND FIND NOT AT TRACK PRATICE! And then I heard...

footsteps. Coming up my third floor stairs. I acted very quickly and bolted into my closet, holding my breath and peering out to my room thru the crack in my closet door. My bedroom door creeked open and Hannah's neck popped out, looking left and right as if I am in plain sight. She then popped her head right back out, closed the door, left the house and went somwhere wonderful. I have no idea where the fuck she went. All I knew is that she was not in my closet with me right then.

So the hard part was over, all I had to do know was hope that Kyle, my step-brother, didn't come up to use my computer or play my video games and spot me. I then came out of the closet and grabbed a book and started to read, because I had about and hour and 10 minutes to burn before I could be publicly spotted. So I read until 11:28 and then I took a shower, forgetting my towel. So I just got an old t-shirt and wiped the water off and got new cloths on and right now I am writing in my journal.

It took so much just to not go to track practice...

And I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for my wonderful sucess... ;)

11:49 a.m. - 04-24-03


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