parkplace's Diaryland Diary


I Am Shedding In Silver Specs

Listening To: Oceans Over Seas By Letter Day

Wow, I FINALLY have the internet back up. God has finally stop my misery. Anyway, friday and yesterday night I went to the Elks Club and saw a slew of awsome local bands like Plan B. They were all fucking awsome. I couldn't take my fucking aderal yesterday, so I was a tad high-strung. But besides that, I had an amazing time.

Except for the fact that fucking everyone has a brand new girl and I fucking don't. Chuck just started going out with this nice girl name Kristen, which I fine with me. Though Ben and (suprise, suprise) Sarah are flirting like there is no tomorrow and for some odd reason I have a problem with it. Maybe its when they hold eachother, or maybe its when they look at eachother. It just looks so goddam unfair.

Last time I hooked up with a girl was last summer.

And yes, It was my first kiss.

I hate this. (THAT RHYMED WOOHOO!)

Anyhoo, I just stopped crying five minutes ago because of the whole not-having-my-mother-next-to-me-on-mothers-day sorta thing. Heh, and I was balling. It just fucking sucks. It sucks out loud (it's an inside joke). I spent my whole day watching all the mothers of the munchkins walk into the Wizard of Oz rehearsal with their child. I had to fucking bike to rehearsal because I didn't even have a ride. I had to bike across TWO TOWNS. I got no ride and I see all these little child being panpered by their mother and I felt so sad because when I was their fucking age, I fucking didn't have my mother beside me. She lived in New Hampshire and she still does. I even got her a card today and I realized that I have to mail my own fucking Mothers Day card to my own fucking mother. She wasn't even awake today to answer all the calls I tried to make to tell her how much she means to me. It just sucks and I hate it, but it happened like 8 years ago, so I guess I should get over it...

Well, I STILL CAN'T GET MY MOTHER FUCKING SILVER MAKEUP OFF FROM TODAYS WIZARD OF OZ REHERSAL! I TRY SO FUCKING HARD TO GET IT OFF!! THERE IS SPARKLES EVERYWHERE NOW. It's like an infestation of silver specs EVERYWHERE! It's all over my clothes and face and arms and legs and EVERYWERE! I don't even want to talk about the fucking eye liner cause that will be on my face forever. By the way, 6 more days until my very first preformance of The Wizard of Oz. Fun Fun Fun (KILL ME NOW).

I would rather have somone cut my arm of with a rusty knife than do this play.

WAIT, SOME GUY ACTUALLY HAD TO DO THAT LAST WEEK IN THE WILDERNESS! How could somone fucking do that!! Oh God, the pain! I would honestly rather die than cut my whole fucking arm of with a swiss army knife because it is wedged under a humongus boulder.

I cant even have a fucking flu shot or a blood test without having a panic attack. Last time I had to have my blood tested, I was panicing like-there-was-no-tomorrow. Once the FUCKING SYRINGE WAS IN MY VIEN, SUCKING BLOOD OUT OF MY BODY (love you kelly), I starting to laugh in a paniced way. I don't why I was laughing, but I was. It was so wierd. I was like pissing myself on the doctors seat because I could see my blood being exported out of my body by this plastic tube. YUMMY!! That was about two years ago. Hah good times.

Anyhoo, the moshpit last night was brutal. This one really fat kid rammed me acrossed the room and threw me onto this other kid, toppeling to the ground on him in a slight panic. I got this brutal swollen bruise on my leg from this guy who fell right onto my leg, also making me fall. Wow, I fall a great amount at concerts. Anyhoo, I really like this band called Letter Day. Their song, Oceans Over Seas is amazing.

And I am amazingly tired, so I'll be heading to sleep. C-ya Mofo's.

9:57 p.m. - 05-11-03


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