parkplace's Diaryland Diary


Start Your Day Off The Busy Way With Bordazenidrin!

Listening To: Firefly by Saves The Day

Well, four more days until June 3rd, which is "the day we all die" apparently. My step-mother isn't making me go to school on teusday, which is basically the only good thing that has come out of this death threat. The teachers are not stopping school because it would just show an easy way for students to stop school. If they close school down for the day because of a death threat, think about how many death threats we would get because of something like a student who forgot to do their project. So I agree that they shouldn't close down school, but everyone who doesn't go to school that day will have an automatic exused absence. Some people actually want to go to school that day because they wanna witness all the security and shit. Everyone who is going to school that day are not allowed to bring backpacks, purses, etc. and they can't leave the classroom once the bell has rung. I wouldn't be suprised if there were bomb sniffing dogs everywhere on that day and shit.

Anyhoo, I almost got out of school yesterday. See, I, being very samrt, woke up at 8:00 when I was supposed to wake up at 6:30 to get ready to go to school. Everyone leaves for school at 7:45, so I basically missed the train altogether. Then I thought of this crazy idea of staying in my bed for two hours, until my parents leave for work, and then just stay for the day at home. And I was sick so I had an exuse to stay at home. I even told my dad that I was sick the night before, so I had evidence. All I had to do was not get caught...

Yeah, I got caught.

Hannah came home at 12:00 and heard me and I just went to her and acted all dumb, not really knowing whats going on. Then I was like "well, I thought you let me sleep in because I told my father that I was sick yesterday night and all." I felt bad though, becasue I knew that I should have just went to school. I am starting to feel so guilty when I do somthing bad. I can't litter at all, I feel like shit when I do it. Why do I have such a conscience?

Anyway, I am bored out of my fucking mind right now. I wish tonight was an elks concert or somthing. I would be wicked happy if there was one. I wish I could take a pill that would cure boredom. I would have no idea how I would work though, but it would and I wouldn' And it would be called bordazenidrin! Hah, I can just picture the commercial now:

Child: "Mommy, mommy, I don't know what to do? I am SO BORED!"

Mother:"Don't worry son, I just got childrens bordazenidrin!"

Narrater:"Bardazenidrin is a complete suppliment used to cure that everyday boredom millions of americans expieriance. And, now with this new freeze pop for kids, they would never know they are are curing themselves from bordem! It's simply amazing! Now, lets see what little Jimmy is up to:"

(Child eats the freeze pop)

Child:"Mommy, I'm gunna play in traffic!"

Mother:"Now thats my boy!"

Narrater:"Bordazenidrin. Always busy. Always occupied. Never bored."

3:00 p.m. - 05-29-03


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