parkplace's Diaryland Diary


It's My Party And I Can Kill You If I Want To

Listening To: Sprained Personality practicing

Well, what a week. Today is the day that Julia, my best friend, heads off to her camp for three weeks. I don't know what I am gunna do without MY BABY. Who am I gunna talk to? Yes, right now I'm crying inside, but I know that Julia will be in a better place for three weeks.

I had a "Going Away" party for Julia last night at my house. About seven/eight friends came over to my house. I really don't even wanna talk about it 'cause I don't want to remember how much stress I went through yesterday night. All I am going to say is this: Kelly's a bitch, Ben is a fucking assholes somtimes, and I reacted to everything that happened. Because I can't help but react and that is what everyone wanted, a reaction.

As everyone was leaving my house, my Dad and my Step-Mother roll into the driveway. I told my Father that I was going to have some friends over for a party earlier, so I didn't really understand why he and Hannah looked so worried when I confronted them. Hannah straight out asked me if we were drinking, which we weren't at all (yeah, I'm not gunna drink until I'm 21). Well, after the "party", I went to Ben's house and about 2 seconds after I get there, the phone rings and it's Hannah.She seamed really mad, but she was trying her hardest to remain calm as she says "now Parker tell me the truth, how many people came to the house?" I said seven because seven people really came to the house. She asked me if the dogs ran out, which they did, 'cause Ben broke the gate that kept the dogs in the Kitchen. She then told me that she stepped in dog shit with her bare feet on the second floor because a dog shit up there. I didn't know that that happened and I felt really bad that it did, so I apologized. As I was saying sorry, Hannah interrupted, saying "no Parker, this is a problem. Do you understand?" I hate it when Hannah repremands me because she knows I will always obey her (cause she is the step mom) and I can't do anything about it. She makes me feel so inferier. I thought in my head "what the fuck are you talking about Hannah? Don't be bitching at me for doing that because your lucky the dogs are still in the house!" She directed me to my Father, who was slightly heated over the situation. I told him what happened and he seemed cool about the whole thing after I told him, but you could still hear a little bit of frustration in his voice. I think he is still heated at this moment. He already told me that I can't have friends over my house anymore without adult supervision. I owe it all to everyone, espiecally Ben.

10:24 a.m. - 07-20-03


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