parkplace's Diaryland Diary


Decay By Disaster

Listening To: Nothing

This is the absolute most devistating event that has ever happened.

My house became caught in flames at 3 o'clock in the morning. My step-mother, Hannah, woke up because she heard a banging sound below her (her and my father sleeps in the second floor) and then she smelled smoke and a second after that, the smoke alarm went off. She jumped up in bed and my father rushed to my step-brother Kyle's room and Hannah raced up to the third floor to alert my brother and I of the situation. Ironically enough, I thought about what I would take with me out of the house if a fire erupted in my home. This was the moment (and I knew that I should just leave me belongings behind and leave the house), so I bolted into my closet, found my backpack, and grabbed everything that fit in it, which was my CD player, my CD's, and my textbooks from school.

It was until I was holding my breath, rushing down the the first floor (the smoke was crawling upstairs to my room) when I noticed how serious this fire was. And it was until I was outside, running into the car, when I noticed that I had only my t-shirt on. It was raining and there was about 3" of snow on the ground.

Everyone evacuated the house and was in the car in less then 60 seconds and we were in shock. We dailed 911 and traveled down the street for the fire trucks to travel up our street. Megan started to cry and it was until I saw flames erupting from my basement when I started to break down. It was way too much to comprehend in five minutes at the 3 in the morning. All of my clothing was in the laundry room, which was in the basement. All I had when I left my house was my CD player, my CD's, my textbooks, and the cloths I had on my back and I was watching my house I absolutly loved burn down in a firey inferno.

I called my mother. I had to talk to somebody and my mother was the only person I could think of at that time. My mind was racing with "I should've brought my cloths up to my room last night" and "I was just thinking about how it would be tourture to burn to death." After I woke up my mother, the first things I said out of my mouth was that we were all ok. She panicked and I was having a breakdown and she was asking what happened and I told her. I was so shocked. I never really thought that somthing like that would ever happen to me, but it definatly caught all of us off guard.

Seven firetrucks came from three different towns (Marblehead, Swampcott, and Lynn) and the pounding waves from the ocean was overpowering the scream of the sirens. I couldn't believe this was happening to us. All I thought in my mind was that the whole basement was gone and the water from the fire hoses would completly drowned our house. I was praying to god that nothing in room would be touched by the flames and also the firemen. My room is my life. I would give up so much just to have my room and just to have my ocean view and to think that I could get that taken away from me in less then an instant was tearing my insides out.

The it hit me. 11 days before christmas. 11 days before christmas and our house is becoming a victim to a flaming disaster. Oh god I just fell back into my seat and just died. This cannot be happening. I turned on my CD player, which was my only personal possesion that I had at the moment. Number 7 on the newest Dashboard Confessional CD started to preech. The first lyric to that song is sharp disaster and a fresh new coma, was it worth it when it was over? Yeah, that didn't make me feel anybetter. I still felt cold, the heater in the SUV didn't help me. I was crazed. I didn't know what was going on or what happened or what is going to happen in the future. I just existed in misery while I watched the blinding smoke transcend from my house.

Megan and Kyle left with their father, while my brother, father, step-mother, and I drove to my Father's rug store to temporarily seek shelter. Everybody was just a mess. After we all reccuperated and got everything together we drove back to my house, hoping that the house endured less damages as we witnessed down the street. I looked up to see glass and debris falling from to opening where my windows once resided. I peer into my laundry room and I was suprised to see that it didn't seemed as bad as I thought it would be; it was just dark and I can still see a towel in the back of the room. We talked to the firemen and they allowed us to visit our house. We entered through our sun porch door frame and gazed at our destoryed living room on the first floor. Almost all of the walls facing the fireplace was torn apart, revealing black, torched wood. The fire lived in the walls of our house, feeding off of the wood that constructed it. The firemen tore at a portion of the ceiling, steming from the wall. The fire was prevented from destroying more of my house by the firemen. The disaster ended at the ceiling of the linving room of the second floor.

Our furniture in the living room was absolutly covered in splinters and debris from the wall, the firemen didn't care about our furniture, they shouldn't because it was the fire that they were focusing on. The rug in our living room was caked with 1-foot-piles of wood and specs of cement. It was ruined. The living room was unreal and almost unbearable to see. I ploded into my kitchen and, to my suprise, it was totally unharmed. Same as the diningroom and the hallway. If you had your back towards the living room, the only way you could tell that a fire erputed in my house was the tiny gray tint of my ceiling walls and the stench of carbon monoxide embedded in everything that it contacted.

I traveled upstairs, expecting that my room would have been untouched. I folloowed the trail of dirt up to my room and discovered glass scattered my floor and my bed: they broke all the windows in my room. I look down and see my walls also ripped from its former resting place. My dirty cloths were covered in sut and my walls were galzed with condensation of smoke.

The worst was yet to come. I went down to to basement and was totally suprised when I saw that the living area seem untouched my flames. But I turned to see half of my laundry room door still intact, revealing what was my laundry room. When I was outside, I thought it was dark because the electricity went out and there was no light. It was totally black because every single thing fell victim to the inferno. The fire burnt half of the my laundry room door down and nothing existed.

It was terrifying.

1:03 p.m. - 12-15-03


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