parkplace's Diaryland Diary


Will You Light My Bramble?

Listening To: The Printer Printing

Fathers Day. What a day it is. Woke up, took a shower, then I got picked up by Julia's mother to see the play Rent in Boston. We picked up Julia and then we picked up Jeans friend and my personal wife: Charolette. She is 84 years old. She does Tai Chi every morning so I hear. Then we also picked up Jeans other friend, in which her name slipped my mind. But her name sounds like Duane, so I'll call her Duane for now. She is "legally blind." Fun Times.

We drove into Boston, got the tickets, and Julia and I had a marvolous hour to kill, so we decided to shop around at Crate&Barrel. We had so much fun talking about how cool some shit was. Blah, blah, blah. We all finally got to the Wang Theatre and we watched the play. I decided that it was upon me to "change" some lyrics such as "Will you light my bramble?" and "Will you light my sandle?" It was a blast. I loved Rent so much.

So, we left the theatre. I saw Alex for about a millisecond. We went home after we dropped off Duane and Charrolette. On the way home, Charrolette and I had an amazing conversation on what "twisslers" are. She never heard of them. Not at all. Mind you, she is 84 years old. She was born in 1920. She grew up in the roaring 20's. World War ONE WAS IN EFFECT!

She and I are married. I am privileged to have such a young and vivacious woman in my life.

And then Jean dropped me home. Then she backed up out of my drive way. Then she decided to persist on backing up. So much that her Toyota Corolla came into contact with a Black Porche. A convertable one. And that contact made the front bumper on that car go inside-out! And when I witnessed the whole thing, my mouth decided to gape open for quite a while, for that dent was pretty large. So large that I have takena picture of it and it is linked right here!

So, then we had this small father's day ceremony. I wrote him this letter and for some reason, I started to cry while reciting it. So much, that I needed my step-mother to finish the rest. It was very emotional. I love him though, to death, and I think that he knows that after Hannah recited my letter.

So, the word of the day is decision, kids. Don't let your car decided to come into contact with another car. Don't let your body decide to cry while reciting a letter. And DONT NOT GO TO RENT. IT WAS AMAZING.

6:10 p.m. - 06-20-04


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