parkplace's Diaryland Diary


'Tis The Season To Be Holly

Listening To: Nothing

It was around 3. I was sitting on my computer in the media and I look out my window to find Chuck's car driving into my drivway. It parked and out came Julia, Mike, and Chuck. I wondered why they would be here: I didn't make plans for them to come over to my house. I was happy that they were here and all. I waited for the doorbell to ring and I rushed downstairs and opened my front door to find Julia, Chuck, and Mike standing in front of me. I go "why are ya'll here for?" and then I realized the Chuck's eyes were red and it seemed like he was crying and all. He says "do you know Holly?"

It hit me. I was in total shock and I gasped and I remember hugging Chuck and I started to cry and I asked how she died and I learned that Holly was hit by a car last night at vinnin sqaure and she died. I really couldn't comprehend everything at once. I got dressed (I was in my pajamas) and I got into Chuck's car and "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" by Brand New. It wasn't the greatest time to have that song be on. I kept on crying and we parked at Crosby's where we met up with other friends and I was crying in the arms of Kelly. We ate breakfast at the Muffin Shop and we talked.

We got word that at 5:00 everyone was to go to Devereux Beach to meet up in memory of Holly. What came was lots of crying girls and sulken faces. We are all silent on this beach. Alone. Devestated. Silent. We eventually all decided on go to Vinnin Sqaure and placing flowers and notes and posters for Holly.

We all arrived at the corner of Vinnin Square with tons of flowers and notes. We posted them and somebody brought a couple candle to sit on the sidewalk. We finished putting up the last flowers and we just stood back and gazed at this memorial. This disaster site. It was almost like we were covering up our sadness by covering up the location which our sadness was sourced. We all cried so many tears for Holly. In fact, my very first real entry in this diary was about Holly. She was my ex-girlfriend.

I wrote this note for her and I am going to take it to her memorial site tomorrow:

Dear Holly,

What has happened has been so hard to comprehend. Words truly can�t describe the emotion we feel. You were in so many different lives, loved and cared for by more people then you really ever understood. We all consider you a true friend at heart. We all have never seen you mad, never seen you angry. You were never in a negative mood around us and you positivistic attitude always made people around you happier. You are so funny with your eccentric remarks and your smile. We love you Holly. We miss you so terribly and you have left with such a great impression. We loved when you were around us. You will always be remembered as a funny, loyal, vivacious friend and companion. We love you Holly Pierce and we miss you so much.

Love with all my hearts,

Parker Khouri

12:28 a.m. - 08-16-04


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