parkplace's Diaryland Diary


111 Things About Me

1) I have brown hair.

2) When I grow up, I want to live in New York City.

3) I listen to Dashboard Confessional about every second of the day.

4) My family has two dogs; Oscar and Eddie.

5) My dad had a divorce to my mother. I live with my father.

6) My mother lives in New Hampshire.

7) My favorite color is red.

8) I am a guy.

9) My first kiss was the summer of 2002.

10) I have five brothers (one biological, two half-bros, one step-brother, and one brother who was put up for adoption before I was born)

11) My favorite candy is twislers.

12) I was the Tinman in The Wizard of Oz.

13) My favorite food is the pink popcorn at the willows.

14) I live in a town called Swampcott, meaning "red rock" in indian-language.

15) When I laugh, I need to move a lot.

16) I like to hear local bands.

17) I want to learn how to skateboard.

18) I want to learn how to play the guitar.

19) I want to be and actor when I grow up.

20) My other names that my mother was going to name me all realted to Boston, Massachusetts (Boston, Logan, Callahan, Sumner etc...)

21) My dad owns a rug store.

22) I don't like rugs at all.

23) If I was a mexican wrestler, I would be named Pablo: The Mexican Wrestler.

24) I hate cats.

25) My family has three cats.

26) For the year I have had cats, I have never known one of my cats name. I just call him/her "fat cat."

27) The cats poop and pee in my tub if I leave my bathroom door open.

28) I have a phobia of paper-cuts. Especially on my elbows.

29) I have a phobia of needles.

30) My dog Eddie is gay (he humps Oscar all the time)

31) I am obssessed with the mtv show The Real World. The best season was Las Vegas (Arissa was my favorite cast member)

32) In The Real World: Las Vegas, Alton was my least favorite cast member.

33) Arissa, from The Real World: Las Vegas used to live roughly 20 miles away from me.

34) I want to be in The Real World.

35) I never really had somone to look up to when I grew up.

36) Mickey Mouse is fricken awsome.

37) The Nightmare Before Christmas is my favorite movie of all time.

38) In The Nightmare Before Christmas, zero the dog is my favorite character.

39) I cannot stand that cirus peanut candy.

40) I throw-up when I eat cooked stringbeans :)

41) I have no allergies.

42) I never need braces.

43) I have chipped my right front tooth three times (not noticably chipped it)

44) I am 50% Arab (Syrian to be exact)

45) I don't look Arab.

46) My father's side of my family is orthadox christian.

47) My mother's side is catholic.

48) My favorite Aunt is Aunty Marion (fathers side)

49) My favorite uncle is Uncle John (Mothers side)

50) I call my grandmother Tata and my grandfather guudaa because that is the arab words for grandmother and grandfather.

51) The worst movie I have ever seen was Being John Malcovich.

52) I have never broken any bone in my body.

52) I can crack my ears.

53) I have the worst habit of cracking my knucles (I just did it :)

54) I don't know kung-fu.

55) My room has a view of the ocean (and boston!).

56) I was born 5 weeks early because my placenta was torn.

55) I was born 4 pounds 5 ounces and had to be in an incubator for two days because of my meekness.

56) My dad still owns a rug store and I still hate rugs.

57) My least favorite color is green. Oh god do I hate green.

58) My favorite hobby is snowboarding (and I think I'm pretty good at it).

59) I played baseball when I was a child.

60) I used to live in a town called Marblehead.

61) Swampscott does not have a downtown.

62) Marblehead does have a downtown.

63) I know html.

64) My favorite subject in school is English.

65) My least favorite subject in school is Science.

66) My mother lives on a pond.

67) Both my parents houses have the view of water.

68) My bed has metal bars sticking through it.

69) I hate insects.

70) I cannot go into pet stores because I get so paraniod when I have to go through the taranchula and lizard section that I flip out.

71) My favorite line in a song is "It's to dying in anothers arms, oh why I had to try it". It's in the song "Konstantine" by Saves The Day.

72) My favorite book is Void Moon.

73) Somone can't pay me $100 to go into a haunted house.

74) Someone can pay me $100 dollars to go watch a scary movie- if they let me have a blanket to cover my eyes when scary parts come. This excludes the movie The Exorsist. I have made a promise with myself that I will never ever watch that movie ever in my life. Ever.

75) My freshman science teacher's name sounded like a type os spagetti (Can I Order some Viteritti with sauce please?)

76) I want a turtle. Named Norton.

77) I failed my English class in the third quater and then earned a C the last quarter (Yay)

78) The only birthmark I have is on my butt.

79) When I get a cut, I have a habit of picking my scabs.

80) My mothers name is "Patrick" in French (Patrice)

81) I have never met anyone in my life that is name Parker, other than me. The only person I have seen with the name Parker was on this television show. He was gay.

82) I am born on Hitler's bithday (4/20)

83) I am born on Carmen Electra's Birthday. (4/20)

84) My birthday is the date of the Colombine High School Massacre.

85) My school had allowed kids to be absent on the day in which a death threat was proposed to be executed.

86) My name means "guardian of all forests and parks"

87) My first name is usually a last name and my last name is usually a first name (First Name: Parker, Last Name:Khouri)

88) I have two sisters (A half-sister and a step-sister)

89) My half sister has two daughters (shes 28-29)

90) My mom used to have a dog named Ralph

91) My fathers name is Ralph

92) My first name backwards is rekrap.

93) I can't draw for the life of me.

94) I can ride a bike.

95) A song is ruined when the singer screams in it.

96) I get distracted easily.

97) The worst type of music is country

98) I can't say the alphabet backwards.

99) My lamp in my room turns on by touching the base of it.

100) I cook pancakes ver well.

101) I used to have two turtles named Snooky-J and Harriet (I know the names are really screawed up but I named them when I was very, very young).

102) My mother sold my turtles to a golf course :*(

103) I hate fake people.

104) I hate people who want attention even more the fake people.

105) The state I live in is statistically proven to have the worst road-conditions in America. To me, that just means our cars can take more shit then those pansy-ass cars who ride on perfectly settled roads. Power to the people.

106) My favorite car is a Mini Cooper.

107) I used to go to a camp called "Children's Island".

108) The worst type of food in the world is Seafood.

109) All socoor moms should die a horrible death.

110) I don't understand how somone could get enjoyment by watching a scary movie. How can you get enjoyed by being scared shitless?

111) Minivans are the ugliest things I have ever seen.

4:28 p.m. - 06-13-03


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